Automatic multi-point locks
Automatic locking when the door is closed.

Permanent security and high closing comfort: AS 3500 and AS 3600.
The AS 3500 and AS 3600 automatic multi-point locks, lock the door via the auxiliary lock cases whenever the door is closed. This ensures complete insurance protection, even without locking the main lock, and combines permanent intruder resistance with special ease of use. To elevate this to the highest level, you easily can upgrade the two automatic locks to electromechanical multi-point locks by means of the optional A-opener motor . They can then also be released automatically via a control or access control system.

AS 3500
Contactless magnet technology and flush appearance.
The AS 3500 triggers contactlessly. Without latches impacting in the auxiliary lock cases it is pleasantly quiet and displays a flush appearance when the door is open. The massive hook bolts, which are almost invisibly recessed into the faceplate, are only activated by a magnetic trigger that independently compensates for airgap tolerances when the door is closed. As the back pressure secured hook bolts lock upwards, they also function with a warped door.

AS 3600
Four-fold, secure automatic locking with mechanical trigger.
The AS 3600 locks four times via two soft lock falling bolts and two massive hook bolts. A mechanical trigger is integrated in the latter, which activates the four locking elements in the auxiliary lock cases upon contact with the frame part. The elements are retracted again via the handle or key, and then tensioned and locked in place for the next trigger. The main lock bolt can be picked via the cylinder to thus block the lever handle.

AS 3600 C
Secure and convenient solution for apartment buildings.
The AS 3600 C is suitable for entrance doors in apartment buildings, which do not need to fulfil the requirements of an escape or panic door
(EN 179/EN 1125). It provides the possibility to leave the building quickly and safely at any time without a key, even if the door is locked. Because the omission of a main lock bolt means that the lever handle can no longer be blocked. Automatic locking via two soft lock falling bolts and two sturdy hook bolts is triggered mechanically.

A-opener motor: The retrofit solution for enhanced ease of use.
With this, both automatic multi-point locks can be upgraded effortlessly to electromechanical multi-point locks in order to be able to release the door electronically; for example, via intercom system or via electronic access control systems like KFVkeyless or the KFV Fingerprint Scanner.

T3/T4 door arrester: More protection against unwanted guests.
By means of a concealed safety catch integrated in the rebate, it offers the opportunity to limit the opening width of the door to a secured gap via a swivel knob.
- Swivel knob optically in line with the lever handle thanks to matching backsets
- Advantage over door chains: The door surface is not scratched
- Sprung index pin with 12.5 mm deadbolt to compensate for airgap tolerances
- T4 door arrester, preassembled at the factory: can be released at any time, even from the outside via the main lock

Daytime unlocking mechanism: Leave the house without a key.
The automatic function can thereby be deactivated via a small blocking lever. In combination with the KFV day latch or the E-opener in the frame part, you can leave the house temporarily without a key as it is easy to simply "push open" the door.
- Can be easily retrofitted with the AS 3500 without re-milling profiles with a eurogroove - instead of the door arrester
- Integrated in the main deadbolt with the AS 3600: Can be retrofitted or preassembled at the factory