Privacy Statement of SIEGENIA-AUBI KG

This privacy statement is valid for the Internet presence of SIEGENIA-AUBI KG. We take the protection of your personal data very seriously. We would therefore like to provide you with information regarding the data protection in our company.

SIEGENIA-AUBI KG takes the protection of your personal data very seriously. We would like you to know when we store which data and how we use them. As a private-law company, we are subject to the provisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the German Telemedia Act (TMG). We have taken both technical and organisation measures that ensure that the regulations concerning data protection are observed both by us and by external service providers.

We wish to point out that the data transmission in the Internet (e.g. with the communication via e-mail) can exhibit security gaps. Complete protection of data against access by third parties is not possible.

We only collect and use your personal data within the scope of the regulations of the Data Protection Act of the Federal Republic of Germany. Hereafter, we will inform you about the manner, extent and purposes of the collection and usage of personal data. You can retrieve this information from our website at any time.


1. General Information

By the use of our website, you give your consent to the collection, processing and usage of data in according with the following description. Our website can be visited without registration, on principle.

Whenever you visit our website or retrieve a file, our web server or the page provider will collect and save log information about these procedures for statistical purposes and will store these as „server log files“ (e.g. data and time of access, URL the referring website, retrieved file, volume of sent data, browser type and version, operating system and your IP address ). These data are evaluated anonymously for statistical purposes and finally deleted    .  These are not personal data. Personal data, especially name, address, telephone number or e-mail address are collected on a voluntary basis. There will be no transfer to third parties. An assignment of these data to a specific person or linking these data with other data is not possible for us. SIEGENIA, however reserves the right to check the server log files subsequently if concrete -reference points should indicate unlawful usage.

2. Name and address of the person who is responsible for the processing

The responsible person in terms of the General Data Protection Regulation, other data protection laws that are valid in the member states of the European Union and other regulations with data protection character is SIEGENIA-AUBI KG. You will find the contact data listed in the disclaimer.

3. Name and address of the data protection officer

The data protection officer who is responsible for the processing:

VIA Consult GmbH & Co. KG
Dr. Hanni Koch
Kurfürst-Heinrich-Strasse 10
57462 Olpe
Tel.: +49 2761 83668-0

Any person affected can contact our data protection officer directly at any time to ask questions or make comments with regard to data protection.

4. Personal data

Personal data comprise information which can be used to find out personal or factual circumstances about you (e.g. name, address, telephone number, date of birth or e-mail address). Information, with which we are unable to establish a relationship to your person (or only with an disproportionate amount of effort), e.g. due to the anonymization of the information, is not personal data.

Personal data, especially name, address, telephone number or e-mail address are collected only on a voluntary basis. We only collect personal data in compliance with the currently valid data protection regulations.

5. Personal data in the contact form

On our page, we offer you the possibility to contact us via e-mail and/or via a contact form. Your personal data entered into the contact form (mandatory fields: surname, first name, e-mail-address, selection of company type as well as the relevant product group; optional entries are: company, address, telephone) and your message will only be forwarded to us, saved in our internal customer database and processed by the responsible person for the intended purpose of the processing of your contact enquiry. You can find the information on the customer database and the service provider used for this purpose in Point 9 of the privacy statement.

Moreover, via the source of supply search, you have the opportunity to contact our registered partner companies through our platform via a contact form. For this, you must enter your name, the reference, your e-mail address and your requests.

Your data will only be sent to the corresponding partner company for the purpose of processing your contact enquiry. In addition, you will receive a copy of your enquiry to the e-mail address you have entered. Furthermore, your data will be stored in our internal database so we may contact our partner companies for the evaluation of successful transactions and therefore measure the effectiveness of our platform. Alternatively, you can also contact our partner companies via your e-mail program using the specified e-mail address.

If you desire, we will delete these data after the termination of the written correspondence. There will be no transfer to third parties outside the group. There will be no matching of the data collected in this way with data that have possibly been collected by other components of our page.

6. Processing of personal data as part of the application process

 We collect and process personal data of applicants for the purpose of processing the application procedure. If this should result in an employment relationship, the application data will continue to be used for this purpose, taking the legal guidelines into consideration. It should be noted that the data you have provided will not be stored anonymously, but will be made available to the responsible person(s) in Human Resources and the competent authorities in the company responsible for the position in the scope of the application procedure. By reason of additional consent, the application you have submitted can be stored and taken into consideration for other vacant positions in the company.

Insofar as you have applied for a position in one of our group companies, your data will be communicated to that company for this purpose. Insofar as you have applied for a position outside Germany, your data will be communicated for this purpose, also to the relevant country if necessary.

7. Subscription for the newsletter

We offer you the possibility to subscribe to our newsletter on our page. In this newsletter we will inform you about our offers at regular intervals. To be able to receive our newsletter, we need a valid e-mail address as well as the country and language so that we can dispatch the newsletter in the right language. Moreover, you have the opportunity to enter your surname and first name for the personal address in the newsletter. We will check the e-mail address you have entered to ensure that you are actually the owner of the e-mail address you have stated or are authorised to receive the newsletter. We will send you a confirmation mail for this purpose (double opt-In).

When you subscribe to our newsletter, we store your IP address   and the date and time of your subscription. This serves as a safeguard, on our part, in the event that a third party misuses your e-mail address and subscribes to our newsletter without your knowledge. We will not collect any further data. The data collected in this way are used solely for the subscription to our newsletter. There will be no transfer to third parties. There will be no matching of the data collected in this way with data that have possibly been collected by other components of our page. You can opt out of the subscription for this newsletter at any time. You can find details about this in the confirmation mail and in every individual newsletter or get in touch with us via the following contact data:

8. Registration in our partner network

As a company, you have the opportunity to register yourself in our partner network.  You have the option to enter your company as a retailer in the source of supply search and to recommend the Partner Network to other companies. End customers will then have the opportunity to find your company as a retailer and to send your company a contact inquiry per -mail or to send the contact form.

For the registration of your company, we will need the contact data of your company, the user data (title, first name, name of the contact partner, password, e-mail address) as well as your consent to the general terms and conditions of business/sales and data protection. Prior to the completion of your registration , you will once again be shown an overview of the entries you have made.  Only your corporate data, not any personal data, will be displayed for other users of the network and the source of supply search.

The data you have entered will be stored in an internal database and only stored for the purpose of the provision of information material and, in case of prior consent, the display in the source of supply search stored and processed. We reserve the right to check the data you have entered for correctness.

Your data will be deleted as soon as the contractual business relationship with SIEGENIA-AUBI KG has been dissolved and the purpose of the partner database becomes obsolete. There will be no transfer to third parties.

9. Salesforce 

We use the service provider Salesforce Inc. in our company. Salesforce Tower, 415 Mission Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105, United States. This is a software company that provides cloud-computing solutions for companies. 

You can find the privacy statement of our service provider here:

The legal foundations on which our processing is based are Art. 6 Section 1 lit. a (Consent), Art. 6 Section 1 lit. b (Contract Fulfillment) and Art. 6 Section 1 lit. f (Justified Interest).

It cannot be excluded that personal data that is stored in Salesforce will be processed outside the European Economic Community.

CRM system

We use Salesforce for the management of our customer relationships. Personal data are stored to be able to carry out service, sales and marketing activities for our customers. The personal data we process are your first name and surname as well as business or private customer data.


We also use Salesforce as service provider for our Live Chatbot on our website. This Chatbot is available to our customers to contact SIEGENIA 24 hours a day. Personal data are stored to be able to provide you with the best possible help. The personal data we process are your first name and surname as well as your e-mail address or your telephone number. You also have the opportunity to upload a file via the Chat window. This file will also be stored. The data will be stored as a case in Salesforce. The responses will also be stored and analysed in order to train the Chatbot.

10. Use of cookies 

Our website uses cookies. They are small text files that enable the storage of specific user-related information on the end device of the user while he is using the website. Cookies enable the determination of the frequency of use and number of users visiting the pages, the analysis of the behavior of page usage, but also to make our offer more customer-friendly. Cookies remain stored beyond the end of a browser session and can be reactivated if you visit the page again.

The data sets do not contain any personal information. There will be no merging with any personal data you have provided.

Cookies save you from having to enter data multiple times, facilitate the transmission of specific contents and are needed for the registration in the closed area. You can refuse to accept cookies in your browser if you wish to prevent the use of cookies. You can find out how this works in the instructions of your browser manufacturer. We would like to point out that the deactivation of cookies could lead to a restriction in the range of functions of our offer.

11. Photos

"The publication of photos in the Internet always requires the consent of the person photographed. Exceptions to this are cases defined in § 23 Section 1 i.V.m. Section 2 KunstUrhG no consent when it comes to

  • Images from the area of contemporary history,
  • Images in which persons only appear as accessories besides a landscape or other location,
  • Images of meetings, parades and similar occurrences in which the displayed persons have taken part, or
  • Images that have not been commissioned as long as the distribution or exhibition serves a highly artistic purpose."

(Source of the citation: State Officer for Data Protection and Freedom of Information North Rhine Westphalia)

Note: If you should be displayed as a person on a photo, which we have published in the scope of documentation on our website according to listed point 3 (see above), but you do not agree to the publication of this photo, please contact us or send an e-mail to

12. Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. („Google“). Google Analytics uses so-called „Cookies“, Text files, which are stored on your computer and enable the analysis of your usage of the website. The information about your use of this website, created by the cookie, is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA where it is stored.

In case of the activation of the IP anonymization on this website, your IP address will be shortened beforehand, however, within the member state of the European Union or in other contracting states to the agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. On behalf of the provider of this website, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports about the website activities and to provide further services associated with website and Internet usage for the website providers.

The IP address transmitted from your browser in the scope of Google Analytics will not be merged with other data by Google. You can opt out of the storage of cookies by making a corresponding setting in your browser software; However, we wish to point out that you will not be able to use all functions of this website in this case. Moreover, you can prevent the recording of the data created by the cookie and related to your use of the website (incl. your IP address) to Google, as well as the processing of these data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plugin, available from the following link (

You can prevent the collection by Google Analytics by clicking on the following link. An Opt-Out cookie will be set, which prevents the future collection of your data when you visit this website:

Google Analytics deactivate

Our website uses Google Consent Mode, a consent mode for websites and apps that is provided by the web analytics service from Google LLC. The data controller for users in the EU/EEA is Google Ireland Limited, Google Building Gordon House, 4 Borrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland.
As you can see from our privacy policy, we use Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager, which allows us to track activity on our website. We use this information to understand user behaviour on the website. We will only track your activity if you have consented to this via the cookie banner in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1)(a). If consent has not been given to personalised tracking, Consent Mode by Google uses pings to perform anonymised analysis without the use of cookies. We process this data in accordance with the legal basis of legitimate interest pursuant to GDPR Article 6(1)(f).
The following data is processed:

  • Operational information: timestamp, user agent, referrer URL
  • Aggregated information: indicates whether the current page or a previous page in the user's navigation history on the website contains ad click information in the URL (e.g. GCLID/DCLID), Boolean information regarding consent status, a random number generated on each page load and information about the consent management platform used by the website owner (e.g. developer ID)

For more information about Consent Mode, please see:

You will find more detailed information on the terms and conditions of use and data protection under or under We wish to point out that, on this website, Google Analytics has been extended by the code „anonymizeIp“ in order to ensure anonymized collection of IP addresses (so-called IP masking).

13. Unity Analytics

We use the analytical service, Unity Analytics, for digital product presentation in the SIEGENIA world. The service provider is the American company Unity Technologies, 30 3rd Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA.

We use analytical services to enable statistical usage measurements and the formation of user categories. Data for the evaluation of user habits are collected via the analytical services we employ.

The analysis is performed with justified interest according to Art. 6 Section 1 Letter f) GDPR. Our justified interest is obtained from the economical usability of the findings resulting from the statistics and user categories. We do not merge this information with other personal data. We do not know your identity and will not take any steps to determine this.

The data collected by Unity Analytics will be transmitted in anonymised form and have the objective to statistically determine the user intensity, the number of usages and users of the SIEGENIA world and their surfing habits. The statistics help us to track and improve the usage of our offer as well as to create user categories. The user categories form the foundation for an alignment of advertising material or advertising action based on interests.

You can find the complete Unity privacy statement (in English) here:

14. Social media channels

We create online presences inside social networks to be able to communicate with the active interested persons and users and to be able to provide these with information about us.

User data can be processed by the service provider beyond the area of the European Union. This could involve risks for users because the assertion of user rights, for example, could be made more difficult.

The data of users are usually processed by the service provider for market research and advertising purposes. For example, interests of users resulting from their behaviour can be used to place advertisements inside and outside the platform, which could correspond to the interests of users. Cookies are usually saved on the computers of users for this purpose. Furthermore, data can also be saved in the user profiles regardless of the devices used (especially when the users are members of the respective platforms and are logged in to these platforms).

The social media page you have visited offers you the possibility to react to our articles, to comment on our articles, to create a user post yourself and to send us private messages concerning personal matters. The data provided by you in this context and accessible to us where necessary (e.g. user name, images, interests where necessary, contact data) will be used by us exclusively for the purpose of customer and interest communication. It is in our interest to offer you a platform on which we can show you current information and which will help you to address your concerns to us and help us to respond to your concerns as quickly as possible.

We undertake no further data processing via the site beside the basic functions. Please note that the service provider can use tracking tools and cookies independently of our use of the site.

We will inform you below about our processing of your personal data in the scope of the online presences we provide. In its judgement of 5th June 2018 the ECJ (European Court of Justice) confirmed the mutual responsibility of the service provider and the website operator.

Also in the case of information requests and the assertion of user rights, we wish to point out that these can be asserted most effectively from the providers. Only the providers have respective access to the data of users and can take the corresponding measures directly and give information. Please contact us if you should need help.

For a detailed presentation of the respective processing and the possibilities to object (opt-out options), we refer you to the following linked information of the provider(s) we have commissioned.

14.1 Use of social plugins

Social plugins are used on our website. You will recognize the plugins of the respective providers by their logo. Whenever you visit a page with such a plugin, the provider of the service will be informed which pages you are visiting. This could enable the creation of user profiles of the user out of the processed data. Therefore, we have no influence on the extent of the data that is collected by an activated plugin and how this is used by the provider. There is also a possibility of the service providers attempting to store cookies on the computer used.

When you are logged in with your relevant account, the provider is also able to assign your surf behaviour to your personal profile.  You can prevent this by logging out of your account beforehand and deleting any set cookies.

You can find out which concrete data are collected and how these are used in the privacy statement of the respective providers.

We use the following plugins on our website:

14.2 Administration of social media channels

We have appointed Hootsuite for the administration of our social media channels with the purpose of planning, creation and administration of the post in social media. Advance planning is possible. The entire communication with the users in social media can be controlled via the portal. In the process, your data will be forwarded to the third country Canada, for which, however, in compliance with Art. 45 Section 3 DSGVO, a so-called appropriateness resolution of the European Commission exists which enables the transmission of personal data.

The responsible authority for the processing is:

Hootsuite Inc.
111 East 5th Avenue
Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 4L1.

15. Note on external links

This website contains links to websites of third parties ("external links"). These websites are subject to the liability of the respective provider. The provider has therefore checked the third party contents at the initial linkage of the external links for any legal violations. No legal violations were evident at this time. The provider has no influence at all on the current and future design nor on the contents of the linked pages. The setting of external links does not mean that the provider adopts the contents of the reference or link as his own. A continual check of the external links is unreasonable for providers unless there are concrete indications of legal violations. However, in case of the knowledge of legal violations, such links will be deleted without delay.

16. Legal basis for the processing

If we obtain consents for specific processing procedures, these are based on Art. 6 I lit. a DS-GVO. If the processing of personal data is necessary for the fulfilment of a contract e.g. for a delivery of goods or for pre-contractual measures e.g. for inquiries, the processing is based on Art. 6 I lit. b DS-GVO. If our company is subject to a legal obligation that necessitates the processing of personal data, for example, for the fulfilment of fiscal obligations, the processing is based on Art. 6 I lit. c DS-GVO. Provided that the processing of personal data is not based on any of the aforementioned legal grounds, we process data in such a way that the justified interests of our company are safeguarded (enhancement of the performance of business activities). We always ensure that no legitimate interests of the person concerned, which take precedence over our justified interests, are in conflict.

17. Duration for which the personal data are stored

The duration of storage of personal data is based on the statutory retention periods. As soon as the purpose for which the data have been recorded ceases to be relevant, the data will be deleted after the expiry of this period. 

18. Right to information and right of revocation, right to complaint and right to restriction of processing, to rectification and deletion

You have the right at any time to obtain information about data stored by us and the purpose of the storage. You can revoke your consent to the storage or usage of your personal data at any time in written form. Besides the right of revocation, you also have the right to demand the rectification as well as the restriction of the processing and blocking or deletion of your data.

Please refer to our data protection officer for further information.

You have the right to refer to the appropriate supervisory authority in case of complaint (for NRW: The State Officer for Data Protection and Freedom of Information North Rhine Westphalia in Düsseldorf).

19. Security

We employ technical and organisation security measures to protect um any personal data you have made available to us against incidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or against access by unauthorised persons. Our security measures will be continually improved and adapted in accordance with state-of-the-art technology.